What might be possible if mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, and daughters across the globe joined together to demand climate justice?
los angeles
Indigenous women, Black women, and People of the Global Majority, including non-binary/genderqueer/trans folks, have been leading the way and taking action to create a livable future for all. Our goal is to unleash initiative among mothers* around the globe to create a wave of actions to highlight their community concerns for climate justice.
The form the action takes can be diverse—civil disobedience in all shapes and sizes—glue yourselves to a bank, a media outlet, a sweatshop; link arms and encircle a building; shut down a street with dancing and music; camp out for a day of sharing and camaraderie; create a flashmob action to disrupt city council, a shareholders meeting, shoppers at the mall; claim an unused lot and plant flowers, veggies, or trees; create an art installation in a public space…the possibilities are endless. These actions could be small and quiet, large and rowdy, or something in between. They could be arrestable or not, as long as they are nonviolent.
Download our toolkit to help you design your own Nap-in/Laundry Hour and Climate Storytime!
Contact: klmXR@protonmail.com if you are interested, have questions, and/or want to jump into meetings with us!

KPFK’s XRNOW! presents voices from Mothers Day weekend events in 21 countries and 62 cities on six continents!